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       This is the continue of my previous post, about the interesting of the Alzheimer.      Back to the 20 years ago, he got a lot of changes in his life. He retired from his job, all of his kids moved out to the another cities. He was alone in his big house. The last time very busy and happy place was changing very quickly and become very quiet. He started changing his life style as well. He did not eat well and drink more cigarette and alcohol. He did not sleep well and start to avoid some meal. I thought he got depression and getting dementia. Some time he lost something.      After 10 years of his loneliness, I stay with him together. At that time I noticed something not right in his conversation. For example, He lost his spectacle most of the time and that was put in his neck. And he doesn't appetite for his meal. Sometimes he looks like to wait for his last day. He talked to me and wife with suspect and chase like detective. The very common change was he asked the same ques

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Interesting about Alzheimer